Empowering you to live a life you love, anchored in self-trust.

Hi! I’m Edie.

I've helped hundreds of women achieve remarkable health goals in the most unconventional ways. And along the way to these incredible results? We’ve said goodbye to draining careers, left behind toxic relationships, launched dream businesses, increased incomes by 25%, cut stress, improved sleep, prioritized pleasure, and so much more.

My approach to health and wellness isn't average and neither are the results. I’m not just a weight loss coach. I’m in the business of designing dream lives and helping you achieve optimal health while doing so — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

In my own life, I've left the corporate world and have learned how to take life by the horns. I've tackled the lowest of lows — eating disorders, binge eating, out of whack hormones, severe depression, paralyzing perfectionism, traumatic relationships, and numbing careers. I’m now living a life I love, in harmony with food and body, anchored in self-trust.

My life’s work is to help you get here, too, and you absolutely can.

There is ONE thing that holds the key to everything you want and deserve.

That thing?

Anchored in your food choices. Your business decisions. Your relationships.

The extraordinary life you’ve been dreaming of is waiting for you.

Ready to commit to creating it?


Health & wellness coaching with
Edie Feffer.

Coaching opportunities for women committed to getting everything they want out of life by nurturing and cultivating the most important relationship they have — the one with themselves.

Ways to Work Together:

  • EFT & Stress Management

    1:1 Single Sessions & Packages

  • Weight Loss & Food Freedom

    1:1 Coaching Program

  • Unleash Yourself: A Free EFT Download

    2 EFT Tapping Scripts with Tap-Along Videos to Eliminate Doubt & Increase Self-Trust.

  • The Peace Pack: Reduce Stress

    Five EFT scripts with Tap-Along Videos to Tackle Stress from Every Angle.

An Anchored Woman Is Rock Solid in 9 Core Areas of Her Life.

Food Freedom

You live a life free from restricting, overthinking, hiding, sneaking, shaming, and doubting your food choices. This freedom goes with you everywhere: travel, date nights, holidays. It’s not conditional—it’s yours for life.

Self-Love and Body-Love

You give your relationship with yourself and your body the patience, love, respect, and trust that both deserve. You make body-loving choices because you want to prioritize feeling good. You operate with your Future Self in mind to protect her peace, health, and happiness.

Emotional Wellbeing

You are a gentle, non-judgmental observer of your thoughts and feelings. You’re equipped with the tools to process your emotions and allow them to move through your body. You create an emotionally rich life with a regulated baseline that's calm, rational, and capable.


You are proud to be imperfect. You don’t expect perfection (with food, career, or anything) because you see it for what it really is: fear that holds you back from shining as brightly and as boldly as you’re meant to. You show up as your most authentic, confident self so that you can do the work you were called here to do.


You’ve held your own private ceremonies to forgive those who have hurt you. You’ve done the even harder work of forgiving yourself. You have compassion for your younger self because she’s given you wisdom. Because of that, you thank your past for creating a better future.

Routines, Rituals, and Rhythms

You have your own unique set of the “Three R’s” that keep you grounded through the normal chaos of life. You are flexible and can adapt your routines and rituals to support you through different rhythms (seasons, menstrual cycle, travel, and disruptors).


The relationship that you prioritize first is the one you have with yourself. You cherish it. You love who you’ve become. You pour into yourself, and because of that, your other relationships are thriving. Romantically, you are deeply connected to a partner whose actions and words make you feel adored, respected, and loved.

Acting in Pursuit of Your Dreams

You’re on fire. You’re creating an extraordinary life doing the things you’ve always wanted. You receive the “ping” from your body and act on it. You know that any desire that’s on your heart is yours to have. It feels safe for you to get your hopes up. You expect the best and receive it.


The through-line in all pillars of what it means to live an anchored life. You’ve got your own back. You and your body are on the same team. You trust every single message it sends you, no matter what. You refuse to ever abandon yourself. Your body’s wisdom comes first.

These are the commandments of an anchored woman.

The Podcast.

This is your resource to feel your best mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Join me for meaningful conversations that dive deep into ALL aspects of health and wellness.

From food freedom and spirituality to routines and relationships, this is where you come to stay grounded.

You'll learn how to pair energetic strategies with simple structure to become an Anchored Woman.

By tuning in, your transformation is ALREADY in the works!