Want a tool to help you feel better now?

No matter the emotion you’re experiencing, there is a solution for you that can create relief instantly

You can stop the ruminating, release the anxiety, and put a halt on the worry.

Reclaim your power now.

Introducing: EFT with Edie

This is a 60 minute, private coaching session created to help you move big emotions through your body, so that you can get up, get going, and get on with your life.

You’re called here to do big things: 

To live a life you love, in a body you love, in a state of peace.

You can have the optimal health.
The calm, grounded confidence.
And the faith that you can feel and function your best.

It’s all waiting for you.

I can show you how.

Hi. I’m Edie!

I’m in the business of designing dream lives..

In 2022, I went through a traumatic breakup…

I discovered that my then boyfriend was married the entire time that we were together.

For three years, I was “the other woman” and didn’t know it. As painful as the deceit and betrayal were, the fact that he was married wasn’t the most difficult news to receive.

He led a double life, and the web of lies ran so deep that it shocked my nervous system in a way like I had never experienced before.

I lost my appetite and got down to an unhealthy weight. I couldn’t sleep for months. Therapy wasn’t helping; it felt like secondary trauma. I was just subjecting myself to all of the red flags that I had already identified.

I needed a tool to help me feel better. I couldn’t continue to just sit with my thoughts or talk about the pain.

I was already doing all of the things: running, journaling, reading the books, leaning on family and close friends…

Things changed when my dear friend who processed the breakup with me suggested EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques. I did it. I worked with a practitioner who specializes in trauma.

EFT is THE thing that helped me to start to rebuild my life. It is hands down my favorite tool to help regulate my nervous system.

I’m now an EFT practitioner who has trained with one of the world’s eight EFT Masters.

Navigating this situation made me a better coach. It’s changed the way I coach. I use EFT with almost every client because it’s so very effective.

As you increase your capacity to sit with BIG emotions, you’ll increase your capacity to receive MASSIVE amounts of joy.

That’s what’s waiting for you.

I can’t wait to share EFT with you. ♡

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It’s also called tapping.

It’s a mind-body technique that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

During EFT, we’re tapping on meridian points to send a calming signal to the body while recalling an emotion, event, or trigger. As you tap, we'll speak phases out loud to address the issue you’re wanting to clear or heal. It’s essentially a modified version of exposure therapy.

EFT works because it quickly and efficiently halts your body’s stress response and reprograms the brain and body to act (and react) differently.

The combination of stimulating acupoints while thinking of an upsetting issue retrains the limbic response (the source of emotions and long-term memory).

With repetition, the hippocampus gets the message that this thing that was previously filed as “dangerous” is not, in reality, a threat. The amygdala learns not to set off the body’s alarm that something may go wrong.

As a result, that memory or painful emotion is eventually filed as “no big deal.”

How I tap with clients:

  • To release:

    Physical / emotional pain

    Traumatic experiences

    Childhood memories

    Anxiety / depression

    Fear of the unknown

    Fear of failure



  • Mindset upgrades:





    Weight loss

    Business goals

    Time (lack of / timeline)

    Your body’s ability to heal

  • For positivity:

    Surrogate tapping


    Restful sleep




What’s included?

  • 60 minutes of nourishing support! This is a safe space for you to share absolutely anything with me and it stays locked in my vault.

  • During the first half of your session, we’ll talk through your most pressing issue. This release alone will create an energetic shift. I’ll ask questions that will inform how we’ll tap together.

  • Then, we get to it! I’ll guide you through a custom tapping session where all you’ll have to do is follow my lead. You’ll repeat phrases after me as we move through the different meridian points.

  • I’ll leave time for questions, reflections, and any final thoughts before we close.

You’ll leave lighter, on a path to your most authentic, vibrant self.

Your investment.

  • A single virtual session is $175.

  • A single in person session is $275.

  • Packages are available.

To book your session, please submit the form below.

I’ll be in touch via email within 24 hours with next steps.

Your investment.


  • Lighter emotionally.

    You may feel tired afterwards because of the amount of progress we’ll make in just 60 minutes together.

    Or, you may feel totally energized from such a big emotional release! It depends on the issue and how deep we go.

    The timeline can vary, too. Sometimes the energetic shifts are the same day, and other times, they may hit you a few days later, as your brain and body process the work you did in our session.

  • As needed! After our initial session, I offer packages for clients who want to continue this work on a regular basis.

  • You’ll feel an improvement at the end of our session – relief, lighter emotionally, greater peace.

    The more you tap, the better you’ll feel!

    Your timeline to heal or clear an issue will depend on what we’re addressing.