Hi, I’m Edie! This is my story.

You guys, it’s been a wild ride. From where I stand now, I can easily see that my years (let’s be honest decades) of struggles with food, mental health, and hormones, all led me to my life’s purpose of helping women like you find peace with food, optimize their health through radical self-love, and ultimately reconnect to their higher selves. It’s such an honor.

But seriously. It sucked for a while. A long while. 

  • When I was about 12 years old, my eating disorders began to develop.

  • When I was in college, I used food to soothe; I deserved as many trips to the vending machine as I wanted if I had to be up late studying. 

  • When I was in my 20s, I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. I coped with this through binge eating. 

  • When I was 34, I found out my painful periods were due to endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 

In 2015, I remember sitting on my couch, scrolling Facebook and seeing a post from a high school classmate’s weight loss transformation. Up until that point, I had always discounted “before and after” photos like this one, because I assumed they were fake. But this was a real person. Someone I knew. Who lived a “normal” life like me. I saw parts of myself in her. And for whatever reason, her weight loss photo gave me the thought that if she could do it, so could I. 

That’s the moment things changed in my brain. I had hope. I felt the possibility. And I couldn’t wait to start my own journey. It was an energetic shift that was the result of a decision to lose weight; I hadn’t even done anything yet and I felt better.

If you would have told me that my initial goal to lose 30 pounds would be what would set me on my path to find food freedom, build my own business, spend 3 months on a memoon in Mexico, connect me to some of my dearest friends today, and raise my self-worth, I never would have believed you. Nope, I was wrapped up in fear, self-limiting beliefs, and crippling perfectionism. 

I’ve learned that it’s all connected. Our health (and weight loss) is about so much more than just food and movement. It’s affected by all of the aspects of our lives that feed our happiness and nourish our souls, like career ambitions, meaningful relationships, and hobbies we love.

Your health IS the portal to designing a life you love. 

I’m here to help you do just that.

My Training.

I’ve been coaching since 2015 and earned my health coach certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®.

I’ve been trained in integrative nutrition, multidimensional health (physical health, mental and emotional health, and spiritual well-being), behavioral modification, neuroplasticity, and motivational strategies.

I was my own client first! I’ve used the combination of my life experience and continued education to develop signature programs with a proven track-record for phenomenal client results.

It’s my mission to help you optimize your health by living your most authentic life, anchored in self-trust.