Here’s what I know about you…

  • You’re a high achiever who’s made big improvements in every area of your life except this one: weight loss. You’re ready to figure this piece out now so that you can truly become your most vibrant self.

  • You’ve put a ton of pressure on yourself to do weight loss “right” through endless dieting, and it’s never worked. You want to know how to eat on weekdays, weekends, trips, and holidays to release weight and live life without the mental exhaustion.

  • You’ll make special trips to the grocery store just for the cookie craving (even though you know you don’t want to) and you are so ready to be done with this pattern. NOW is when you take your power back with food.

  • You’re proud of your personal accomplishments but you want more joy out of life — a career that’s bursting with gratification and intrigue, a relationship filled with passion and bliss — and you’re ready to claim it.

  • You’ve spent YEARS battling food and weight and you refuse to stay trapped in this cycle any longer. You want to know exactly what to do to reach your goal in a body-loving, lasting way.

  • Your younger self loved movement, but the demands of life have gotten in the way and it’s no longer part of your routine. You’re craving structure and consistency with the exercise that was once so therapeutic.

  • You’re not here just for weight loss; hormone health is extremely important to you, too. You want *doable* steps to reduce your stress, increase your energy, and improve your cycle symptoms.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have a willpower problem. Nothing is “wrong” with you.

It’s just that diet culture has duped you into believing that you have to be extreme to see the scale go down, and that’s not true.

You can release the weight for good without it feeling hard or painful.

You can do this.

Private 1:1 coaching


I’ve created an intimate 6 month coaching experience designed to guide you to permanent weight loss and food freedom.

This isn’t another diet.

It’s a holistic program where you’ll be given simple steps to create a lasting transformation from the inside out.

Together, we’re going to change your relationship with food, banish doubt, and develop routines you’ll stick with so that you can consciously cultivate a life you love, confident about food, body, weight, and Self.

Imagine a life where...

  • You’re releasing pounds and inches with “effortless” effort and you know that more is coming! Your inner critic is quiet and it feels safe to get your hopes up.

  • Instead of trying not to eat, you stay full longer with foods you actually like. You’re nourishing your body and loving yourself now, on your way down the scale.

  • You know there’s no “right” way to eat, prep, or workout; there’s just YOUR way and THAT’S why it’s working — WITHOUT calorie counting, point tracking, or relying on an app.

  • You haven’t binged in months. You’re more emotionally regulated than ever before. You can put your fork down when you want to. Food feels neutral.

  • You’re radiating joy. Working on this area of your life is elevating your business, relationships, and sex life because you’re anchored in self-trust.

  • When your family photos come back, you’re happy with them not just because you could easily zip up your favorite dress, but because you truly look HAPPY. You LIKE how you’re treating yourself and it shows.

  • Movement feels like a spiritual part of your practice to support your mental health. It’s on auto-pilot because this is just who you are now. You don’t entertain the “I’ll do it tomorrow” voice.

  • You have pain-free periods and your cycle syncs with the moon. You’ve never felt better inside and out!

Getting to this point is 100% possible.

I’ve lived in a state of food freedom since 2015 and I’ve lost over 30 lbs.

  • My struggles with food and weight started when I was about 12, without me even realizing it. I was anorexic and bulimic during middle school and high school, and overcame my eating disorders before leaving for college.

  • In my 20s, I dealt with binge eating and emotional eating. I gained 30 lbs. and yo-yo dieted for a decade.

  • I found food freedom at 30 and have stayed here for the past 9 years.

  • I unhooked from the diet mentality and know how to eat for MY body without counting a single calorie or weighing my food.

  • There’s no such thing for me as being off-track. I’ve decided I’m just on-track. Always. I can travel, date, and enjoy the holidays without food or movement being a thing.

  • I’m proud of my self-talk now. I LIKE how I treat myself and my body. The inner peace I have is one of the most meaningful parts of my transformation.

  • I used to pride myself in being a perfectionist. Now, being IMPERFECT is a part of my brand that I wholeheartedly embody because it’s what set me free. No rules. No unrealistic expectations. Messy, imperfect action is what creates freedom and lasting results.

  • I used food to heal my endometriosis. I’ve had pain-free periods for two years. I have *zero* cysts on my ovaries now after a lifetime of hormone health challenges. I went from 2 weeks of pain per month to 4 weeks of calm.

Helping you get here too is my life’s work.

Hi, I’m Edie!

Program details.

We’ll pull EVERYTHING together using my 4 pillars to food freedom:


No calorie counting or point tracking. Carbs are not the enemy. This isn’t one-size-fits all and that’s why it works. You’ll develop a strong foundation for balanced nutrition specific to YOUR unique body and dietary preferences.


  • Primary Food is the food that nourishes you that isn’t on your plate. It’s things like your relationships, your spirituality, your career, and your home environment. There are 12 pillars of your Primary Food.

    If there’s an imbalance in your Primary Food, it’s often reflected in the relationship you have with your Secondary Food, the food you eat to fuel your body.

    I’ll walk you through my process to assess your satisfaction with your Primary Food, and I’ll help you devise a plan to enrich it. This will have massive, positive effects on your overall health.

  • Secondary Food is the food you eat to fuel your body. I want you to know that it GETS to finally feel clear and simple.

    You’ll know what to eat to create a release without having to sacrifice the joy in food.

    We’ll build a solid foundation with nutrition so that you feel in control with food and 100% confident that food freedom is yours for life.

    Topics covered:

    ➤ Blood sugar balance

    ➤ Clean eating

    ➤ Portions

    ➤ How to manage hunger

    ➤ Sweets and alcohol

    ➤ Meal planning and prep

    ➤ Travel, dining out, and the holidays

    ➤ And more!

    We move at the pace of your body. The process I guide you through will help you reconnect to your body and trust it.

  • In my program, we’re pulling two levers to transform your relationship with food:

    1. The nutritional side of food

    2. The emotional side of food

    We’ll make micro-adjustments to your nutrition to help you regulate your hunger hormones, reduce cravings, and stay full longer…

    AND, I’ll teach you how to get to the root of what’s driving the behaviors that you don’t like, like binge eating, sneak eating, and overeating.

    You’ll learn how to dissect cravings and you’ll have tools that actually work so that you can finally break these patterns for good.


We’re not doing it for the calorie burn. I’ll help you change your entire paradigm about movement so that it becomes a spiritual part of your daily practice that happens with ease. Here’s why we’re doing this and what you can expect:


  • Consistent movement will lead to an identity change.

    You'll start to see yourself through a new lens as you keep the small promise to yourself to regularly move (even if it's for 10 minutes – that's enough to step into a new version of yourself).

    As we do this together, you’ll become the person who works through the emotional discomfort of developing a new habit, who prioritizes herself, and who connects with her body.

    This identity change will elevate every aspect of your life.

  • Movement is a container to move emotions through the body. With each bead of sweat, you’re releasing the stress and anxiety.

    Movement is one tool (of many!) that we’ll use to help regulate your nervous system.

    As you feel more calm and grounded, your food choices will “effortlessly” get easier.

  • I am methodical with my approach to creating consistency.

    I’m proud to say that I have an incredible track record with client results, and one reason is because the work that we do here within the movement pillar, is actually chipping away at many of the limiting beliefs diet culture has instilled in you. Your progress in this pillar will change your relationship with food.

    We’re going to lower the bar and start smaller than you think you “should”, and it WILL work as long as you trust the process and stay patient.

    What you’ve been doing hasn’t worked. This can. ♡


This is the missing link in every diet out there. The truth is, the change you desire starts with your thoughts. I already know that you can lose the weight for good. You’ll believe it too as we dive deep into this pillar.


  • EFT is my favorite health and wellness tool that can be used to improve any aspect of your life.

    It’s a mind-body technique that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. I like to think of it as “energy psychology.”

    It works for:

    ➤ Stress, anxiety, and depression

    ➤ Weight loss and emotional eating

    ➤ Fear of failure and self-sabotage

    ➤ Grief and pain

    ➤ Nervous system regulation

    ➤ Money mindset

    ➤ Confidence and self-love

    ➤ And so much more!

    Tapping will clear stuck energy, blocks, and limiting beliefs so that you can create the life you want — the one you know you’re meant to have.

    ➤ We’ll tap together in sessions

    ➤ You’ll receive access to my library of scripts

    ➤ I’ll create custom scripts for you based on the issues we’re addressing

  • By the end of your program, you will be joining me as a diet culture dropout.

    A big part of our work together involves unlearning everything that you think weight loss requires.

    You don’t have to exhaust yourself, deprive yourself, never touch a carb again, cut out sweets, count calories, or muffle your hunger.

    This is about rebuilding trust with yourself and loving your body NOW (not when…) so that you can live the rest of your life in a body you love, in a state of food freedom, everywhere you go.

  • Your limiting beliefs are THE thing standing in your way. That’s why thought work HAS to be a part of a weight loss plan.

    You’ll learn how to become a gentle, non-judgmental observer of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

    We’re going to rewire your brain so that you believe, with every bone in your body, that this time IS the last time.

    We’ll reprogram limiting beliefs though:

    ➤ Voxer, a walk-talkie app we’ll use for support between sessions

    ➤ Journal prompts that I provide based on the thoughts you’re noticing

    ➤ Thought modeling

    ➤ EFT tapping

    ➤ And more!


These are individual determinants that can impact your health and wellbeing. We’ll explore non-food issues to restore harmony. You’ll feel calm and grounded in your body, which will support a peaceful, pleasurable release.


  • There’s more to weight loss than just food and movement.

    We’ll coach on the 3 R’s:

    ➤ Routines
    ➤ Rituals
    ➤ Rhythm

    We’ll make tweaks as needed to optimize your sleep hygiene, reduce stress, and support your health goals.

  • We’re going to wrap our arms around your ENTIRE health, including your hormones.

    I’ve worked with clients to address health goals / issues specific to:

    ➤ Adrenal fatigue

    ➤ Anxiety and depression

    ➤ Autoimmune and inflammation

    ➤ Digestive issues

    ➤ Mental and emotional well-being

    ➤ PCOS, endometriosis, fertility, and painful periods

    ➤ Pre-diabetes and diabetes

    ➤ Pregnancy

    ➤ Postpartum health

    ➤ Thyroid disease

    ➤ And more

    No stone will be left unturned.

  • I coach high achievers. Busy, working professionals with lots of responsibility. From family demands to board meetings, my clients are pulled in a million different directions every single day.

    It’s no surprise that you’re not used to prioritizing YOU. YOUR wellbeing. YOUR goals.

    This pillar is where we’ll do the work to restore harmony with boundaries specific to yourself, work, and others so that you can create the life you want.

    With these shifts, not only will YOU respect yourself more, so will others.



  1. Bioindividuality.

    What works for one person may not work for YOU.
    I’m not going to be giving you food rules.
    You won’t be white knuckling your way to weight loss.

    Instead, I’ll give you loose structure and a framework for balanced nutrition. You can think of these concepts like guardrails or bumpers.

    I’ll guide you through a two phased process of:
    1. Discovery and
    2. Implementation

    We’re going to unlock the way of eating that works best for YOUR body.

  2. My approach.

    I believe in the combination of:
    Empowering you with new knowledge
    Motivating you with science
    Incorporating accountability
    Coaching your mind

    This is about more than just weight loss. My intention is to help you feel your best mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

  3. There’s no need for perfection.

    You can kiss the all-or-nothing mindset goodbye because you can’t mess this up. You don’t need to show up perfectly to achieve your transformation. That expectation is part of what’s kept you stuck in the diet cycle. I get it. I was there, too. You’ll be delighted (and relieved!) to see that here, messy, imperfect action is what creates results, not following a meal plan perfectly. Not prepping a certain way. Not working out for several hours a day. Bring your mess to me.

What’s included.

  • The time-frame is intentional. I want us to be able to navigate different seasons of your life together so that your results aren’t conditional on ideal circumstances.

    Lasting weight loss happens when you’re able to stay the course through the normal chaos of life.

    We’ll put strategies in place to support (and protect!) your results WITH work deadlines, travel, sick kids, holidays, stress, and life’s curveballs.

    Your new tools and routines will make the difficult times MORE manageable.

  • During our 6 months together, you’ll have one 60 minute call with me each week. You’ll receive a total of 24 sessions via Zoom. I will be teaching and coaching on these calls. This is also where you’ll be able to ask questions, share reflections, and process what’s working and not working. We’ll fine-tune routines, strategize for the upcoming week, and celebrate your wins.

  • I view our weekly calls as the most nourishing support for YOU. I’m 100% focused on your health, and while we’re on these calls, it’s common for me to share my screen, open up a meal plan template that we can work on together, or create a thought model that will help you understand your mind better.

    Our shared Google Drive folder will be a safe storage space for all of the work, ideas, and brainstorming we do during our sessions.

  • This is the library of everything I use regularly for my health and wellness. You get access to it. New resources get added regularly.

    It includes my master meal plan template, clean foods list, easy snack ideas, a progress tracker, my Costco shopping list, my Thrive Market shopping list, my Trader Joe’s shopping list, simple grocery staples, dessert upgrades, savory breakfast ideas, simple protein ideas, and recipes.

  • I use an app called Voxer so that you can ask questions, celebrate wins, and get coached between sessions. Think of it like you and I have walkie-talkies. I’ll be active here Monday - Friday and you can expect for me to check in 2 - 3 times per day.

  • I’m here to be your cheerleader so you actually follow through this time. ♡

    My clients desire varying degrees of accountability. You have options!

    We’ll create a custom plan for accountability through Voxer as you build new habits with movement, morning and evening routines, water targets, etc.

  • You’ll automatically receive access to any group programs, courses, or trainings that I create during our time together.

    You’re welcome to participate in as much (or as little) as you’d like!

Client celebrations!

Change awaits!

I know you can do this.

It’s OK if you feel stuck right now. It’s OK if nothing has worked yet.

I want you to know that you’re not broken.
You’re not unhelpable.
You shouldn’t “know how to do this by now.”

The real you is waiting to be revealed.

Starting takes 2 things: readiness and courage.

Your health, happiness, and peace are worth it.

The investment.

1 PAYMENT OF $10,000 OR

Step 1: A free consultation.

Book your free, 60-minute consultation call so we can mutually decide if this is right for you.

Here's what I need you to know:

Not everyone has the courage to book this call because they're thinking they should be able to do this on their own.

I’m here to tell you getting help is how you end the struggle once and for all–this changed everything for me.

During this call, we're going to talk about your goals – whether they're specific to your career, your relationship, your physical health, your emotional well-being – all of it is part of your health!

My intention is to learn where you are now and and where you want to be, so that I can help you design a life you love (living in a body you love too!).

Your transformation awaits!

I know you can do this and I'm excited to connect with you!

To book your session, please submit the form below. I’ll be in touch via email within 24 hours with next steps.


  • You will need to consult with your physician and plan administrator prior to using your HSA or FSA account.

    If your physician decides that you have a condition that warrants the support of a health and wellness coach, they may recommend that course of treatment.

    In this instance, it’s recommended that you request a Medical Letter of Necessity for record-keeping and claim submission. I am happy to provide you with an example of the Medical Letter of Necessity for you to see what is required.

  • I’m extremely proud of the fact that every single client who has shown up fully — who has done the work, utilized Voxer, completed the journal prompts, shared vulnerably, spent time in celebration, and ALLOWED this process to be messy and imperfect — has achieved fabulous results.

    We’re going to set goals together in our first session and then let go of the timeline. We never know what we’re going to uncover until we start doing the work together. We move at the pace of your body, and I will be in your health WITH you.

    While I can’t guarantee results (and I can’t do the work for you), I AM 100% committed to helping you experience your own incredible transformation — mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

  • During this call, we're going to talk about how you want to be feeling about food, what type of physical transformation you're ready for, what your self-talk is like right now, and any other aspects of your health that you want to improve (sleep, mood, energy levels, etc.).

    This call is where you get answers and understand exactly what’s been holding you back (👀hint: it’s not more discipline).

    You'll have clarity. You'll know your next steps. You'll feel relief that a healthier, happier version of you is already in the making.

    I know you can do this and I'm excited to connect with you!

  • 2 things! As long as you are coachable and communicative, you’re on your way!

    1. Be coachable.
      You must be willing to fully participate in this program.

      That doesn’t mean showing up “perfectly” or “getting it right” every week, but what it DOES mean is that you’re willing to receive the information, trust the process, and take the small actions that I’ll be giving you.

      I’m all in and I need YOU to be, too!

    2. Be communicative.
      As long as you let me know if you’re struggling or confused, I’ll be able to guide you and help you confidently move forward. You must communicate that to me, though, in order for me to know how you’re feeling!

    Coaching requires effort on both sides.

    You can count on me to give you structure and accountability; a simple, clear framework; effective tools; and new perspectives.

    Your job is to stay in observation mode as you implement these upgrades and share what’s coming up for you!

  • You’ll have a total of 28 weeks to use the 24 sessions. This gives us a 4 week buffer if anything comes up (vacation, illness, etc.).

    If you’re going on an extended vacation (like traveling for a sabbatical or spending your summer in Europe), coaching will continue.

    This is to help you break the pattern of starting and stopping once and for all. You’ll come home from vacation with new results.

    You can release weight AND live your life. That’s why this time WILL be the last time.

  • My goal is to help you build a rotation of meals that will work for you AND your family.

    I’ll want to get to know the likes and dislikes of your family members and the ages of your children so that we can work with their dietary preferences as well.

    It is VERY common for a client to tell me that her husband has lost weight too / had his best doctor’s visit yet / seen improvements in his blood work as a result of our coaching.

    This investment in your health is a gift that you’re giving your family as well.

  • I coach anyone who is an aligned fit! A desire to lose weight and optimize health isn’t unique to just women. While my practice is primarily female based, I have coached men and they’ve achieved incredible results as well. Feel free to book a consultation with me to see if we’re a good match for working together.

  • Absolutely. This is a common part of my practice.

    I coach alongside primary care physicians, functional medical doctors, endocrinologists, OBGYNs, weight loss specialists, and cognitive behavioral therapists.

    My job as your health coach is to support you through the change that is required to reach your goals.

  • First, I’m proud of you for seeking support. Please know it’s possible to heal your relationship with food.

    I will not coach beyond the scope of my practice and would need more information to determine if it’s appropriate to work together.

    Please book a consultation so I can learn more about your health history.

    Sending you love! ♡

  • Yes! I offer everything from a single tune-up session to a customized program for returning clients. Please send me an email. ♡