A movement of unstoppable women achieving optimal health through radical self-love.

Welcome to a community where we are:

  • Unapologetically prioritizing self-care.

  • Unwavering in our faith in ourselves AND in this process. Our results are inevitable.

  • Conquering the chaos of life by developing doable, high-vibe habits that keep us grounded.

  • Committed to our goals for the long haul, so much so that we’ve let go of any self-imposed timeline.

  • Disrupting diet culture and changing the narrative on weight loss. For us, it’s pleasurable and peaceful.

  • Celebrating our wins (big and “small”). We’re choosing to feel good now, in the midst of our transformations.

You are meant to be a part of this movement.


A membership community for women who are ready to reclaim their health, step into their authentic self, and create massive momentum designing their dream life. 

An Anchored Woman is committed to getting everything she wants out of life and knows that the fastest, most sustainable way there is by nurturing and cultivating the most important relationship she has — the one with herself.

Anchored The Collective has been created to help you achieve optimal health and catalyze your goals. The Collective will give you everything you need to feel freaking fantastic — whether that’s fitting into your jeans or staying grounded and present in the face of stress.

With weekly group coaching calls, a supportive community, and accountability challenges to kick high-vibe habits into gear, you’re here to feel your best mentally, physically, and emotionally.

An Anchored Woman pursues her dreams, prioritizes her health, and never plays it small.

She’s unshakeable in her self-trust.

Hi. I’m Edie!

I’m in the business of designing dream lives.

9 years ago, one thing I was not, was Anchored.

I struggled with yo-yo dieting, binge eating, and everything in between. I was at a low point with my mental health. I had ZERO interest in exercise. I was missing purpose and passion in my career.

In 2015, I became my own client first. My approach WORKED — for myself and the 100s of clients I’ve coached since then.

I’ve released over 30 pounds. This will be my 9th year of living in a state of food freedom.

Beyond weight loss, I’ve found the courage to be true to myself: to follow my passion and jump off the corporate cliff, to get out of the toxic relationship, to take myself on a me-moon and travel the world alone.

THE thing that I know to be true, is that your health (and weight loss) is a result of SO much more than just food and movement.

All of it boils down to one thing: unshakeable self-trust. With food, career, love — all of the 9 core pillars of what it means to be an Anchored Woman.

In Anchored The Collective, my mission is to help you achieve radical health results by designing the life of your dreams and loving the way you treat yourself. It’s waiting for you. Ready to commit?

Here’s what’s included.

90 minute weekly group coaching calls

These calls will fill you up with inspiration, motivation, new ideas, and fresh perspectives.

I’m methodical with the topics we’ll cover.

  • I’m going to give you structure, a framework, and doable steps to help you achieve your goals with ease.

  • I’m going to teach you the energetics and strategy to create and sustain high-vibe habits.

  • My approach will help you experience phenomenal results, week after week.

You can ask questions, get coached, and have personalized support with implementation. Nothing is off topic!

Calls will take place Mondays at 12 PM Pacific via Zoom.

    1. We open every single session with celebration! We’ll start with wins (for those who want to share) to help you speed up your results and shift your self-concept faster.

    2. Calls are topic
      driven. I’ll be teaching on one aspect of health each session.

    3. We’ll be habit stacking together. This is how you’ll continue to elevate your health. This will give you structure and focus for the upcoming week.

      The process that I will guide you through will help rewire your brain to believe that:

      1️⃣Perfection is not required for incredible results.

      2️⃣Your consistency with these small, but very meaningful habits, IS “enough” to create lasting change.

    4. Personalized coaching! You can ask questions, reflect, talk through strategy, and address blocks. It’s all welcome.

      I will be mindful of the time and the number of women on the call so that everyone who wants to has a chance to get coached.

  • These calls will be the foundational training that’s going to help you step into living an anchored life.

    There are 9 core philosophies:

    1. Food Freedom

    2. Body-Love and Self-Love

    3. Routine, Rituals, and Rhythms

    4. Imperfection

    5. Forgiveness

    6. Emotional Wellbeing

    7. Relationships

    8. Acting in Pursuit of Your Dreams

    9. Self-Trust

    There’s a lot to cover within each core pillar!

    Mindset, EFT tapping, spirituality, morning and nighttime routines, nutrition, sex, and so much more!

    This is whole body health and we’re exploring all of it so that you’ll feel your best.

  • No problem. The calls will be recorded and you can catch the replay.

    There is a Q+A form in your membership site that you can use to submit any questions beforehand so that you can still get the support you need!

High-vibe community for support.

Be a part of a collective energy that’s unstoppable!

You’ll get access to an active, private members only community (NOT on Facebook or social media!!!) where you’ll learn and grow alongside women who are just as committed to their health, personal development, and evolution as you are.

SO much magic happens when you surround yourself with likeminded women who WANT to see you succeed vs. doing it alone.

You’ll collapse time and have more fun along the way!

You’ll create connections and new friendships that will boost your happiness and your results.

I’ll be active in the group M-F, 2-3 times per day.

  • These are fun! These challenges will be the catalyst to help you create consistency.

    The themes will be tied to either the high-vibe habit we’re focused on or the topics I’m teaching that month.

    The challenges will:

    ✔️Keep your goals top of mind.
    ✔️Shine a light on what needs tweaking.
    ✔️And help you LOVE the way you take care of yourself.

    Of course there will be valuable prizes that will support your health! 🤩

  • You can use the membership site for support and questions between coaching calls.

    As you implement new habits, I WANT to hear your observations!

    As you process new concepts, I WANT to hear your reflections!

    The more you can share within the community, the more we’ll be able to maximize our time together on our weekly group coaching calls.

  • This is a safe space for you show up, take up space, toot your own horn🥳, celebrate your wins, share what’s working (or what’s not), and receive nourishing support from me and the other women in this community!

    You are meant to be here!

Library of health and wellness tools

Your membership site will be organized into sections for:

  • Call recordings + supplementary materials

  • Training videos - I’ll be teaching on the 9 core philosophies of what it means to be an Anchored Woman (see above under “What topics are covered?”)

  • Tools + resources - Think templates, journal prompts, check-lists to keep you organized, books, podcast episodes…all of my best recommendations and materials to simplify your journey and help you feel your best

  • So much more!

I’m constantly adding to the membership library! I’m sharing all of the resources I use to stay grounded + the research to back it all up! 🤓

Special discounts and a lot more to come!

As a community member, you’ll get special discounts on any programs that I release and trainings that I host outside of Anchored The Collective.

Transparently, I have big visions for this community!

Some of the things going through my mind are exclusive in-person events and retreats.

While I’m not ready to announce any of these details yet, this is my vision.

You’ll get all of the future perks that come with this membership.

Client wins!

Get on the wait list.

Membership opens once per quarter!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our first call will be on Monday, 7/22 at 12 PM Pacific.

    You’ll receive access to the membership site + community upon enrollment.

    Membership opens only 4 times per year.

    Enrollment is open through Saturday, 7/20.

  • For as long as your membership is active!

    If you decide to cancel, you will lose access to the membership site once your term expires.

  • Yes, you can cancel at any time.

    There is a 3 month minimum commitment.

    After your initial term, all payment plan options will be renewed automatically until you officially cancel your membership.

    Cancellations will be effective on the end date of the current billing term.

    There will be no partial (or prorated) refunds on monthly payments.

  • You will need to consult with your physician and plan administrator prior to using your HSA or FSA account.

    If your physician decides that you have a condition that warrants the support of a health and wellness coach, they may recommend that course of treatment.

    In this instance, it’s recommended that you request a Medical Letter of Necessity for record-keeping and claim submission.

    I am happy to provide you with an example of the Medical Letter of Necessity for you to see what is required. You can contact me through the form below!

  • No, this is so much bigger than weight loss!

    Weight loss can certainly be a goal, but in this community, we’re taking a holistic approach to your health, meaning we’re exploring Primary Food and Secondary Food to optimize your health and happiness — to help you create your dream life.

    Primary Food is the food that nourishes you that isn’t on your plate. It’s things like your relationships, spirituality, career, and home environment. There are 12 pillars of your Primary Food.

    Secondary Food is the food you eat to fuel your body.

    We’ll cover this and more (see above, “Here’s What’s Included” #1, for more details).

    This community is for women who simply want to feel their best and live a rich, fulfilling life!

  • Absolutely! Lasting weight is about so much more than just food and movement. It requires a holistic approach.

    While we will be coaching on certain aspects of nutrition and movement, we’ll be deep diving into other health topics that will also support a permanent release.

    Please note, if you’re wanting solely a nutrition focused program, Food Freedom Fundamentals, my self-study course, is what I recommend.

    That course would be a great supplement to the material you’ll receive in The Collective, and you’re of course, welcome to get coached on any of it live in this community!

The thing I want you to know:

You were born for this. You were meant to do big things with your life. To live in a state of food freedom, in a body you love, ablaze with passion.

Making a commitment to your health is THE portal to personal growth and fulfillment.

Be true to yourself now and follow the ping. I care about your results and I’m here to help you.

Have a question?

I’m happy to answer it! Please submit the form below and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours.